17 Plants that Look like Elephant Ears But are Not

Do you know about Plants that Look like Elephant Ears But are Not? Well, we have the most unique ones on the list!

As a gardener, you must have seen elephant ear plants, known for their mammoth leaves. You will be surprised to know tha there are specimens that look almost the same! This article will take you through various Plants that Look like Elephant Ears But are Not.

Colocasia esculenta ‘Black magic’  is a tuberous, stemless, frost-tender perennial from the arum family. It features big leaves that are arrowhead-shaped, conspicuously veined with a purple-black color.

Native to Columbia, Caladium Lindenii is from the Araceae family and is known for its large, green, arrowhead-shaped leaves with prominent white/cream-colored veins.

Botanical Name: Xanthosoma ‘Lime Zinger’Lime Zinger is a variety of Xanthosoma known for its chartreuse-yellow, heart-shaped leaves that add an attractive hue to your home garden. These plants reach up to four feet tall in warm conditions.

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