18 Succulents With Long Stems

Succulents With Long Stems always stand out with their distinctive appearance. Here are the best ones you can grow!

Succulents With Long Stems offer a distinctive look to the yard and homes. We have made an exclusive list of the best types!

Monadenium Ritchiei is a beautiful and fleshy specimen with a thick stem covered with leaves. It stays stubby, but the stem can grow as long as 2-3 feet.

Though this agave is all about the showy leaves, it grows a really long stem that can be as tall as 4-6 feet on which beautiful flowers appear.


This small little plant hides a trick up its sleeve, which is growing a really long stem, which can be as long as 2-3 feet, to grow flowers!

Yes, the picture you see above is how high the stem of this unique succulent actually grows to display the flowers. In the right growing conditions, it can be as high as 25-30 feet!

This densely branched succulent shrub displays 16-foot-tall red-brown brittle stems and juicy, glossy green foliage. The star-shaped pink to mauve blooms appear in late spring and early summer.

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