34 Best and Worst Child Friendly Plants

This exclusive list of the best and worst child friendly plants will help you pick the best one for a home and garden with a kid! Before you add any plant at home, it is important to check whether it is safe for your kids or not. Keeping that in mind, we have divided the list into indoor and outdoor plants, and have kept the ones in the corner that can cause stomach issues in kids or may harm them due to their thorny or pointy leaves. The ones with colorful flowers and showy foliage that may attract the kids have won the spot in the “safe” zone!

If you want to get creative and make something exceptional for your garden, we are here with some great ideas on how you can make something extraordinary.

Probably, you have seen some of our garden ideas, but today I would like to draw your attention to flower planters and how you can make the best flower planters out of the things you already have

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