Discover 40 stunning tropical garden pathways that will transport you to paradise

Whatever type of backyard you have, there are many ways to get the tropical look, from lush-looking plants that are surprisingly hardy to beautifully vibrant pathway.

Tropical garden designs can hold their own in any region and really make a splash in colder regions where winter brings snow.

In these areas, a summer garden filled with jungle-like plants creates a showstopping impact with the lush growth it achieves in a short growing season. In warmer regions, a tropical garden design can hold its own most of the year.


When summer heat sends you scurrying indoors for air conditioning, tropical gardens stage outstanding growth. Tropical plants thrive in heat and humidity, so it’s best to site a tropical garden where warmth multiplies.

In regions with a short growing season, a full-sun setting surrounded by heat-retaining surfaces, like concrete, walls or buildings, helps tropical garden designs achieve their full potential.

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