How to Make Beautiful Christmas Cactus Bloom

Before delving into the details of the flowering of the Christmas cactus, it is necessary to understand the properties of this plant. Christmas cactus, also called Thanksgiving or holiday cactus. Although the Christmas cactus is classified as a “cactus,” it has very different care needs than its desert relatives. As a forest cactus, this plant thrives in more tropical conditions. They prefer bright, indirect light and richer, more organic potting soil. Their water requirements are also higher than other succulents. Therefore, do not leave the soil too dry.

Their flowering period occurs in autumn, usually in the early days of November. The “trick” to getting them to bloom relies on three factors: minimal watering, light and temperature.

First, you need to limit the amount of water your plant receives, usually around October. Water only the top layer of soil, which is about an inch deep, and only water the plant when it feels dry. This watering schedule forces the plant to enter the dormant phase. Not to be forgotten: the rest period is crucial for the flowering of the Christmas cactus.

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